Sunday, May 18, 2014

Human Organ System

Digestive System:
break down food and absorb its nutrients.

Respiratory System:
take in oxygen and releases waste gases.

Nervous System:
control sensation, thought, movement, and virtually other body activities.

Circulatory System:
transport oxygen,nutrients and other subtances to cells and carries away wastes.

Excretory System:
the function of excretion, the bodily process of discharging wastes.

Plant Structures

reproductive system (seed, it can grow into new plant)

food factories of the plant photosynthesis

to support the leaves/flowers (to hold) above the ground chlorophyll (a green pigmen)

to absorb water and mineral from the ground

2nd Animal Classification

Invertebrate(without backbone):

 -having a soft body and protected by a hard shell
 -body without cavity
 -has a pair of kidneys
Example: seahorse and snail

 -compound eyes(like flies)
 -body are divided into segments
 -the sexes nearly always seperate
Example: spiders and scorpions

 -they have no skeleton
 -the brain is small and is located in under the pharynx
 -the worms contain a thin water proof layer called cuticle
Example: earthworm

1st Animal Classification

Vertebrate(with backbone):

 -have fins
 -skin cover with scales

 -have feathers
 -have 2 wings to fly
 -have beak

 -use their skin as a secondary respiratory surface
 -they are often ecological indicators
 -egg firtilized outside the female body

 -lay egg on land
 -having skin covered with scales or horny plates
 -breath with lungs

 -whose young feed by milk
 -red blood cells that lack a nucleus
 -covering hair on some or most of the body

Hawk and Heron


-Common they are some bird of prey.
-Widely distributed and avarying greatly in size
-They are mainly woodland birds with long tails and high visual acuity
Habitat: Africa and Australia


-Long-legged freshwater and coastal birds
-Medium to large sized birds
-Long neck
Habitat: All continent except Antarctica